Lying on the earth-
Allow yourself to relax
Let go..
Allow the surface of the earth, it's deep internal rhythms be the blanket of your dreams. Envelope yourself inside the creative powers of pure existence.
Exhale and Relax
Allow Mother Earth to hold your body
Allow Life to carry your spirit
- Feel -
Feel the support and stability underneath you- Solid
You are solid yet pliable
Allow it to take you..
Convenience and cradle you
Your whole being-
To Be Whole
Synchronize your breath to the resonance of the earth
The deep soul resonance of life-
Slow and Steady
Full and Alive
Praise the Earth
Praise Life
Your Life
- One -
One Complete Moment
- One -
One Complete Breath
- One -
One Complete Life
- One -
Become Present
Be Present
Offer your Presence
Here and Now-
- J. Circosta, 2016
Meditation Musing
Allow yourself to relax
Let go..
Allow the surface of the earth, it's deep internal rhythms be the blanket of your dreams. Envelope yourself inside the creative powers of pure existence.
Exhale and Relax
Allow Mother Earth to hold your body
Allow Life to carry your spirit
- Feel -
Feel the support and stability underneath you- Solid
You are solid yet pliable
Allow it to take you..
Convenience and cradle you
Your whole being-
To Be Whole
Synchronize your breath to the resonance of the earth
The deep soul resonance of life-
Slow and Steady
Full and Alive
Praise the Earth
Praise Life
Your Life
- One -
One Complete Moment
- One -
One Complete Breath
- One -
One Complete Life
- One -
Become Present
Be Present
Offer your Presence
Here and Now-
- J. Circosta, 2016
Meditation Musing
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