Muladhara Translates: Root Support
Muladhara Translates: Root Support
Before we can root anywhere, we must be present.
In the beginning, we are the seed or the “potential of something,” a presence. As a presence we exist, and we can only exist in form or in-body. So, the energy or frequency of the 1st Chakra must be slow enough to take form. As a presence, we are at home in our own body, our own container. We learn to embody the presence of our being and take form in the body.
1st Chakra starts at the root of being. The word, "Root" relating to 1st chakra refers to family or tribe. In the first stage of development, "Root" has to start with mom as we are literally rooted in form and space in mom. "Root Support" then is the support rooted to mom. This will be the first experience related to the potential of unconditional love and happiness. This first experience later translates to the ability to love the self unconditionally in your own state of happiness. This is the foundation, the root of soul development and why we must always come back to the root, back to the foundation for the soul to feel safe, secure and stable in the body.
The "Root" is what you plug into. It could be conscious or unconscious. Our work is to understand the self more consciously. When we are well planted inside the body, we acknowledge the human experience. This knowledge then becomes the foundation in understanding what we need in order to exist and to thrive.
1st Chakra Blockages:
- Rejection/Abandonment/Neglect
- Insecurity/Instability/Lack Safety
*Blockages in 1st Chakra become an actual human experience, (not thought or emotion) but a physical manifestation of blocked/distorted energy. You may have thoughts around or feel a certain way about it but blockages here are how your body manifests trauma or creates physical symptoms. It is the physical response/reaction to the event or experience.
Healthy 1st Chakra Function:
- Healthy Physical Experience
- Ability to Develop/Foster/Maintain Personal Energy
- Personal Security/Stability/Safety
In the beginning, we are the seed or the “potential of something,” a presence. As a presence we exist, and we can only exist in form or in-body. So, the energy or frequency of the 1st Chakra must be slow enough to take form. As a presence, we are at home in our own body, our own container. We learn to embody the presence of our being and take form in the body.
1st Chakra starts at the root of being. The word, "Root" relating to 1st chakra refers to family or tribe. In the first stage of development, "Root" has to start with mom as we are literally rooted in form and space in mom. "Root Support" then is the support rooted to mom. This will be the first experience related to the potential of unconditional love and happiness. This first experience later translates to the ability to love the self unconditionally in your own state of happiness. This is the foundation, the root of soul development and why we must always come back to the root, back to the foundation for the soul to feel safe, secure and stable in the body.
The "Root" is what you plug into. It could be conscious or unconscious. Our work is to understand the self more consciously. When we are well planted inside the body, we acknowledge the human experience. This knowledge then becomes the foundation in understanding what we need in order to exist and to thrive.
1st Chakra Blockages:
- Rejection/Abandonment/Neglect
- Insecurity/Instability/Lack Safety
*Blockages in 1st Chakra become an actual human experience, (not thought or emotion) but a physical manifestation of blocked/distorted energy. You may have thoughts around or feel a certain way about it but blockages here are how your body manifests trauma or creates physical symptoms. It is the physical response/reaction to the event or experience.
Healthy 1st Chakra Function:
- Healthy Physical Experience
- Ability to Develop/Foster/Maintain Personal Energy
- Personal Security/Stability/Safety
Svadhisthana Translates: Where Your Being is Established
Svadhisthana Translates: Where Your Being is Established
The 2nd chakra is also referred to as, One's Own Abode or The Seat of the Soul. The Soul comes in through the crown but rests in the area of the womb, a hands breath below the belly button. This is where we nurture vitality. The 1st chakra takes in energy but the 2nd chakra houses it/stores it, utilizes Soul energy and distributes it through the self and towards others. The 2nd chakra point. is a storage unit of sort, given from birth. It’s like an "energy bank" and becomes the creative force we utilize throughout life. This is why when feeling exhausted, we need to restore and renew energy or "take care of the self." This is the place of vitality, life force, well-being, care of self and soul energy.
The 2nd chakra is a resting place for one to cultivate intimate connections with the soul through the experience of the self, i.e., soul-care, soul-love, soul-acceptance, and soul-expression. It is also an internal portal that represents our Divine signature or personal Divinity. This form of Divine intimacy comes through pleasing the soul, as well as protecting it in a balanced state of comfort. As we discover our personal soul blueprint, the qualities/needs and protect them, we move into the self that is Holy and I to a greater alignment and balance overall.
Working with sacral chakra energy is very personal. The experience is specific to you and your soul essence, as an open honesty. The energy teaches us vulnerability by witnessing, becoming, and sharing our authentic self. As we heal the 2nd chakra, we face or embrace our Soul-Selves. The sacral or sacred energy allows the soul to magnify and come to life right before the eyes in such an authentic and pure connection, it can often bring one to tears. The 2nd chakra teaches connection through discernment of flow, according to our natural being. It allows for the space to be who you are and we’re created to be. We learn to surrender the ego to rely on the inner-wisdom of our soul. This fosters personal trust in the knowledge about ourselves, allowing the signature energy of the soul to move so, God may manifest in the physical world (which starts movement into 3rd Chakra Energy).
2nd Chakra Blockages:
- Stores Trauma Energies and/or Attacks to Soul Nature
- Shame/Guilt/Disgust
- Disconnection from Self and Others
*Blockages in 2nd Chakra stores emotional energy and the experience of trauma. This can distort the soul's nature in concept, idea, and application around the relationship with self and ultimately others. This can create dysfunctional defense mechanisms or ways of coping, to protect the essence of the soul. Blockages here distort the human connection or ability therein. We can forget our natural essence and being and lose sight of the subtle sweetness of our Soul Self.
Healthy 2nd Chakra Function:
- Getting Needs Met
- Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
- Understanding Qualities of Self-Value and Self-Deserving
- Positive Connections to Self and Others
The 2nd chakra is a resting place for one to cultivate intimate connections with the soul through the experience of the self, i.e., soul-care, soul-love, soul-acceptance, and soul-expression. It is also an internal portal that represents our Divine signature or personal Divinity. This form of Divine intimacy comes through pleasing the soul, as well as protecting it in a balanced state of comfort. As we discover our personal soul blueprint, the qualities/needs and protect them, we move into the self that is Holy and I to a greater alignment and balance overall.
Working with sacral chakra energy is very personal. The experience is specific to you and your soul essence, as an open honesty. The energy teaches us vulnerability by witnessing, becoming, and sharing our authentic self. As we heal the 2nd chakra, we face or embrace our Soul-Selves. The sacral or sacred energy allows the soul to magnify and come to life right before the eyes in such an authentic and pure connection, it can often bring one to tears. The 2nd chakra teaches connection through discernment of flow, according to our natural being. It allows for the space to be who you are and we’re created to be. We learn to surrender the ego to rely on the inner-wisdom of our soul. This fosters personal trust in the knowledge about ourselves, allowing the signature energy of the soul to move so, God may manifest in the physical world (which starts movement into 3rd Chakra Energy).
2nd Chakra Blockages:
- Stores Trauma Energies and/or Attacks to Soul Nature
- Shame/Guilt/Disgust
- Disconnection from Self and Others
*Blockages in 2nd Chakra stores emotional energy and the experience of trauma. This can distort the soul's nature in concept, idea, and application around the relationship with self and ultimately others. This can create dysfunctional defense mechanisms or ways of coping, to protect the essence of the soul. Blockages here distort the human connection or ability therein. We can forget our natural essence and being and lose sight of the subtle sweetness of our Soul Self.
Healthy 2nd Chakra Function:
- Getting Needs Met
- Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
- Understanding Qualities of Self-Value and Self-Deserving
- Positive Connections to Self and Others
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