Every Sunday in January @6pm CST
Participation: $20.00
Sign up through Venmo @Gentle_Touch_Healing
- Virtual link will be provided after registration
Participation: $20.00
Sign up through Venmo @Gentle_Touch_Healing
- Virtual link will be provided after registration
Celestial Communication is a combination of arm/hand movements, mantra and meditation.
We will work with the mantra that holds the vibration of hope, miracles and grace amidst challenge and change.
It also gives you the courage to hold space for your blessings.
Celestial Communication is a combination of arm/hand movements, mantra and meditation.
We will work with the mantra that holds the vibration of hope, miracles and grace amidst challenge and change.
It also gives you the courage to hold space for your blessings.
We explored the function of prayer and learned that prayer is a means of action but by itself, it's just words. The magic of prayer needs the presence of heart and that's the medicine. In this way, heart becomes the direction of our desire and prayer becomes the path of our truth.
The 4 qualities of heart in prayer are:
1) truth = knowing
2) devotion = out pour of love
3) dedication = being steadfast
4) adoration = gratitude.
The 4 qualities of heart in prayer are:
1) truth = knowing
2) devotion = out pour of love
3) dedication = being steadfast
4) adoration = gratitude.
- Explore the function of prayer
- Way to use it for manifestation
- Personal prayer to put in motion
- Celestial Communication for answered prayers
- Explore the function of prayer
- Way to use it for manifestation
- Personal prayer to put in motion
- Celestial Communication for answered prayers
Continuing our journey to cleanse the heart of resentments, hostility, hatred,
to bring a renewed sense of acceptance and support to the core self.
Continuing our journey to cleanse the heart of resentments, hostility, hatred,
to bring a renewed sense of acceptance and support to the core self.
When we work to clear heart pathways of hostility, resentments, hatred etc., we renew a sense of acceptance and support to the core self. Often times, the types of energies listed above are often associated with external experiences and thought to be acquired by means of horrible situations/circumstances or another's behavior toward us. The truth is we've captured those energies and contained them into our vessel which, in turn, becomes part of our energy signature and pattern. We experience it in a more personal way, in our being rather than a fleeting or impactful experience that happened at one time. This is to say, an experience that creates a level of general animosity becomes a more direct and personal experience of self-animosity or a sense of hatred in circumstance becomes a more personal experience of self-hatred contained and replayed over time. This pollutes and contaminates the whole system. So, whether the energies/feelings are out right (direct and/or sudden violence) or are subtle (road rage or harmful/negative thoughts) we would need to focus on clearing it from our own energetic system and not by trying to correct, change fix the external experience or wish it away.
- Cleanses heart chakra pathways to self-acceptance & compassion
- Balances frequency of heart chakra
- Releases grief, anger and resentments shifting from limitation into infinity.
- Works through heart/spleen meridians
- Cleanses heart chakra pathways to self-acceptance & compassion
- Balances frequency of heart chakra
- Releases grief, anger and resentments shifting from limitation into infinity.
- Works through heart/spleen meridians
Moving deeper through the heart space to cut cords/attachments/tendencies that keep us connected to past people/places/things
that no longer serve us, drain energy, and hold us hostage to moments that no longer exist.
Please Note:
Although this is a mediation, there is a physical element that if done right, will feel as though you've worked out you 3rd chakra.
Moving deeper through the heart space to cut cords/attachments/tendencies that keep us connected to past people/places/things
that no longer serve us, drain energy, and hold us hostage to moments that no longer exist.
Please Note:
Although this is a mediation, there is a physical element that if done right, will feel as though you've worked out you 3rd chakra.
We learned that attachments/cords are imprints, stories, old experiences on repeat. That in holding onto these patterns will distort reality and create dysfunctional behaviors in response. This disempowers the core-self and drains the energy of the 3rd chakra. The 3rd Chakra in the front body, I refer to as the "solar system" or sun energy and in our back body, it is the backbone that keeps us in alignment with the core-self. This is to keep you on track, without waiver, and continuously empowers or fuels the energetic system. To clear cords/attachments we need a strong 3rd chakra and arcline which is known as the antenna that gives intuitive information needed to shield and protect the aura from being influenced, infiltrated and contaminated. This keeps you centered, anchored and contained inside the self, fully in command of your experiences. A strong 3rd chakra supports the availability for the softness of the heart chakra to open naturally and genuinely.
- Activating the navel point to empower the self
- Clearing past karmas, and residual energetic debris
- Strengthen capacity to set and maintain personal boundaries
- Increase Inner Guidance and Intuition
- Activating the navel point to empower the self
- Clearing past karmas, and residual energetic debris
- Strengthen capacity to set and maintain personal boundaries
- Increase Inner Guidance and Intuition
LAST CLASS: 1/28/2024
Deposit goodness, balance, and harmony into your renewed, open, and available heart space.
Healing energy to participants during meditation.
LAST CLASS: 1/28/2024
Deposit goodness, balance, and harmony into your renewed, open, and available heart space.
Healing energy to participants during meditation.
We will take everything we learned in knowledge and energy experience to create a sense of inner balance, sustainability and stability as a whole. This meditation is very nurturing and has the quality or potential experience to feel embraced by the Divine Mother or sacred feminine energies.
- Renewed sense of inner harmony and balance
- Embraces self and heart in genuine way
- Balances right-left brain hemispheres
- Improves cognition and encourages deep meditation
- Encourages feelings of safety, security and stability
- Distance healing energy during meditation
- Renewed sense of inner harmony and balance
- Embraces self and heart in genuine way
- Balances right-left brain hemispheres
- Improves cognition and encourages deep meditation
- Encourages feelings of safety, security and stability
- Distance healing energy during meditation
Every Sunday in January @6pm CST
Participation: $20.00
Sign up through Venmo @Gentle_Touch_Healing
Virtual link will be provided after registration
Participation: $20.00
Sign up through Venmo @Gentle_Touch_Healing
Virtual link will be provided after registration
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