The Angel Energy healing experience is a beautiful mixture of the Healing Energy of Compassion and a therapeutic process of laying hands. An Angel session works directly with your energy, including manual hand techniques, and working directly in the energy field (non-hand techniques). The use of manual techniques can ease and/or release of physical blocks found in the body. This allows for a greater flow of energy by opening pathways that may be stuck, blocked or stagnant. This encourages a natural support and restorative process while correcting any imbalances. Working directly in the energy field, using non-hand techniques allows for a greater energetic clearing and expansion. It also enables energy to move in areas that hands cannot reach.
Jennifer's natural compassion-connection offers intuitive information, insights, and personal messages specific to you, your personality, and your life; past, present, and future. Soul Readings are not considered fortune telling. They are based on your energetic blueprint, accessed through the energy healing process and considered the healing path of your Soul. Readings offer a consciousness awareness by supplying potent information about the state of your being. This helps you maintain the energetic corrections made during your session. It also becomes a gentle support in transforming old energies into a better alignment with your Soul's purpose. Having a conscious awareness deepens your personal understanding, adds clarity in the direction of what to work on. It also encourages a deeper healing experience and personal transformation by strengthening your personal sense of power and ability to create a more fulfilling life in a balanced way.
Jennifer's natural compassion-connection offers intuitive information, insights, and personal messages specific to you, your personality, and your life; past, present, and future. Soul Readings are not considered fortune telling. They are based on your energetic blueprint, accessed through the energy healing process and considered the healing path of your Soul. Readings offer a consciousness awareness by supplying potent information about the state of your being. This helps you maintain the energetic corrections made during your session. It also becomes a gentle support in transforming old energies into a better alignment with your Soul's purpose. Having a conscious awareness deepens your personal understanding, adds clarity in the direction of what to work on. It also encourages a deeper healing experience and personal transformation by strengthening your personal sense of power and ability to create a more fulfilling life in a balanced way.
- Angel Energy is the healing gift of Compassion -
- Angel Energy is the healing gift of Compassion -
The energy of the heart fuels a state of Compassion and the hands, are an extension of the heart. Compassion is said to ease discomfort and suffering. This can look like a gentle presence by holding space and sometimes, Compassion, can show up simply in a gentle touch. This is the significance of laying hands.
After connecting with the gift of Compassion I also became aware of other gifts; Discernment, Wisdom and Intuition. I found myself able to answer questions, give messages, and/or communicate to others the patterns of their energy, what was needed to be restored, and what could be done to maintain the adjustments. I understood that part of these beautiful healing gifts was to be an anchor for other's to rest deeply, to connect them with the healing energy for a greater sense of balance and alignment, and to allow those willing to surrender their burdens in ways that encourage deep healing shifts as a standard of transformation.
Some have asked how I arrived at the name Angel Energy for the healing gift of Compassion. I was working with a dear friend who asked me to find what I do healing wise in the Bible. When I held the Bible in my hands, I asked for God’s clarity and was shortly guided to the passage of the Annunciation, in which Angel Gabriel told the virgin Mary she would conceive a child. In reading the passage, I understood that part of God’s healing gifts given to me were also rooted in the messages that came through me. I realized, the Angels are the messengers that offer great revelation, healing and transformation. Therefore, to name the healing gift God gave me had to include the presence and voice of Angels. So, I went back to my friend, shared what I had learned and told him, the spiritual gift is Compassion and my healing work is of Angel Energy.
After connecting with the gift of Compassion I also became aware of other gifts; Discernment, Wisdom and Intuition. I found myself able to answer questions, give messages, and/or communicate to others the patterns of their energy, what was needed to be restored, and what could be done to maintain the adjustments. I understood that part of these beautiful healing gifts was to be an anchor for other's to rest deeply, to connect them with the healing energy for a greater sense of balance and alignment, and to allow those willing to surrender their burdens in ways that encourage deep healing shifts as a standard of transformation.
Some have asked how I arrived at the name Angel Energy for the healing gift of Compassion. I was working with a dear friend who asked me to find what I do healing wise in the Bible. When I held the Bible in my hands, I asked for God’s clarity and was shortly guided to the passage of the Annunciation, in which Angel Gabriel told the virgin Mary she would conceive a child. In reading the passage, I understood that part of God’s healing gifts given to me were also rooted in the messages that came through me. I realized, the Angels are the messengers that offer great revelation, healing and transformation. Therefore, to name the healing gift God gave me had to include the presence and voice of Angels. So, I went back to my friend, shared what I had learned and told him, the spiritual gift is Compassion and my healing work is of Angel Energy.
The Angel Energy Healing process always begins with great care and centered on your needs. It is a gentle laying of hands through a compassion-connection. This helps access information around the areas needing assistance, attention, and deeper care. Jennifer tunes into your energy in ways that encourage any tensions to ease into a deep sense of calm. She may apply gentle, manual techniques to help a more physical relaxation and release any stuck/stagnant energies. Manual techniques also clear areas of physical blockages to help restore a better energy flow and soothe any places needing more balance.
If you choose to add-on a Soul Reading, Jennifer will share information, insights, or messages during your healing session to help integrate information through your consciousness and energetic system. You will gain specific information to expand in your own time, while, also feeling grounded in your personal, healing experience. After your healing session is complete, you will be given some time to process and you will be given any thoughts/suggestions about energetic maintenance or after care. You will leave feeling balanced, revitalized, deeply cared for, and loved.
If you choose to add-on a Soul Reading, Jennifer will share information, insights, or messages during your healing session to help integrate information through your consciousness and energetic system. You will gain specific information to expand in your own time, while, also feeling grounded in your personal, healing experience. After your healing session is complete, you will be given some time to process and you will be given any thoughts/suggestions about energetic maintenance or after care. You will leave feeling balanced, revitalized, deeply cared for, and loved.
- Deeper understanding of self and healing direction
- Clarity of core emotional patterns - Tender care to physical, emotional and spiritual needs - Release of current and past traumas - Personal awareness and insightful information |
- Gentle support and nourishment to all body system
- Sense of peace and calm - Sense of balance and inner stability - Deep relaxation, soul nutrition, peace and rejuvenation - Restoration, Rejuvenation and Re-connection |
60 Minute Session: $105.00
- Add-on Soul Reading : $115.00
CONTACT JENNIFER: 615-547-3436
- Add-on Soul Reading : $115.00
CONTACT JENNIFER: 615-547-3436
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